Club Championships 2019
Club Championships 20th Jan 2019
Welcome to our very first Club Championships! We’re delighted that the club is now big enough to make this competition possible and delighted to have almost every one of our 60 gymnasts performing today. Thanks to every parent for your support to make this possible.
There are 3 different score systems in use today, which can’t be compared with each other the gymnasts taking their Grades (1,2 or 3) are the least experienced in the club, with many having been with us less than a year.
The routine is set by British Gymnastics and gymnasts will perform with a partner but be judged individually. They will not have an individual score published but depending on the mark they achieve will be awarded either a bronze, silver or gold medal along with their Grade Certificate and Badge.
Our novice gymnasts are those who are working towards competitions outside of the club. They compete using the British Gymnastics Basic Code, which is a simplified version of the full F.I.G. Code.
Our elite gymnasts are those we have identified as capable of working towards the full F.I.G. code, which requires a good level of flexibility, strength, dance skills and apparatus handling.
Many of the routines you will see are very new to our gymnasts and are being prepared for competitions later in the year.
Most Improved Gymnast: Saskia.
Runners Up: Laura S, Laura C, Connie, Isla, Islay-Mae, Daria
Rec/Novice Winners: Alexia, Olivia L, Olivia W, Vicky C, Andreea, Rebecca
Hardest Working Gymnast: Darcy
Runners Up: Asha, Erin, Aoife, Medeea
Rec/Novice Winners: Ellethea, Poppy, Megan, Enna, Sophie B
Young Potential: Polina
Runners Up: Polly, Miley, Darcy, Amelia
Outstanding Achievement: Isobel
Runners Up: Poppy H, Erin
Young Coach: Abigail G
Runners Up: Emily, Connie, Asha, Erin, Jess
Gymnasts’ Choice:Asha
Runners Up: Aoife, Erin